Real Boy: A Whimsical Spin on Push Pins

Duncan Shotton's Pinocchio-Inspired Design Wins Platinum A' Design Award

British designer Duncan Shotton brings a playful twist to everyday stationary with his Pinocchio-inspired push pins, "Real Boy". This unique design, which combines whimsy and fine craftsmanship, has been recognized with a prestigious Platinum A' Design Award.

Duncan Shotton, known for his designs that aim to bring smiles and happiness, found inspiration for "Real Boy" in a witty play on Pinocchio's long nose. The push pin character is adorable yet refined, demonstrating Shotton's ability to transform a standard stationary product into an object of desire.

Shotton's journey with "Real Boy" began in Tokyo in 2012. In less than eight weeks, he took the concept from a sketch on a piece of paper to the first 200 packs of hand-painted push pins, ready to sell and exhibit at the Designboom Mart during Tokyo Designers Week. The product was a hit, selling out and continuing to sell exclusively on Shotton's online store.

The "Real Boy" push pins are injection-moulded in white in the UK, then hand-painted to exquisite detail by Shotton himself in his Tokyo Studio. Each pack of two is beautifully packaged and comes with a signed thank you note. The limited-edition packs, each with its own serial number, showcase the designer's attention to detail and dedication to fine craftsmanship.

The production process of "Real Boy" involves over-moulding nickel-plated steel pins in white ABS using a specialist low-volume injection moulding company in Cornwall, UK. The pins are then brush painted by hand using enamel paints and finished with a semi-gloss, clear top-coat. The packaging is made of high-quality acrylic boxes from Japan, presenting the pins inside using push-fit cork.

The "Real Boy" design project started in August 2011 in Tokyo, Japan and was expected to finish by March 2012, once all 1000 packs of two have been hand-painted. The design was exhibited during Tokyo Designers Week in October 2012 with Designboom Mart. The project's success culminated in winning the Platinum A' Design Award in 2013, a recognition given to world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that contribute to societal wellbeing and advance the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology.

In conclusion, Duncan Shotton's "Real Boy" push pins are a testament to the transformative power of design and craftsmanship. By reimagining a simple, everyday object, Shotton has created a product that not only serves a practical purpose but also brings joy and whimsy into people's lives. His work serves as an inspiration for designers to see the potential in the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Duncan Shotton
Image Credits: Duncan Shotton
Project Team Members: Duncan Shotton
Project Name: Real Boy
Project Client: Duncan Shotton

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